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We encourage you to carefully review our Terms of Use to ensure a secure and enjoyable event experience. Your use of our services constitutes an agreement to abide by these Terms, as well as our Privacy Policy. Familiarizing yourself with these documents is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of your rights, responsibilities, and the principles guiding your interaction with our platform.

Please Note: These terms include an Arbitration and Class Action Waiver which may affect your legal rights. Please read this document carefully.

  • Definitions
  • 1234TICKET Inc Properties:
    • Online: Company products and features accessible through various 1234TICKET Properties, including the website ("Site(s)").
    • Off-platform: Entry management, sponsorship, marketing, or distribution services.
    • Applications: Accessible through mobile applications, webpages, application programming interfaces, and subdomains 
  • Affiliate: Any person or entity connected by control, whether through ownership or shared control, with another entity, as defined in this contract.
  • Company: Refers to 1234TICKET Inc, its Affiliates, subsidiaries, and respective officers, directors, agents, partners, and employees when the terms "we," "us," or "our" are used in these Terms 
  • Consumer(s): Individuals utilizing our Services for any purpose, including accessing information and attending events.
  • Material: Information, data, text, editorial content, design elements, look and feel, formatting, graphics, images, photographs, videos, music, sounds, and other content and materials.
  • Producer: An event creator using our Services to create events for Consumers.
  • Services: Encompasses Properties and Producer Services.
  • Site Content: Material contained in or delivered via the Services or otherwise made available by 1234TICKET in connection with the Services.
  • Your Content: Material contributed, provided, posted, or made available by you using the Services, or authorized for use by us.
  • Your Trademarks: Trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos contributed, provided, posted, or made available by you using the Services, or authorized for use by us.
  • Users: Refers collectively to Producers, Consumers, and third parties accessing or using our Services.
  1. Acknowledgement and Incorporation of Privacy and Cookie Policy 

By accepting these Terms, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to the Privacy and Cookie Policy which is pertinent to all Users and are integrally incorporated by reference into, and form an integral part of, these Terms.

This document, our rules, policies, and the other documents referenced make up our Terms and Conditions. The Terms are a legally binding contract between you and 1234Ticket Inc This contract sets out your rights and responsibilities when you use our website and our Service (the “Service” includes the “Website”). BY USING OUR SERVICE, YOU ARE CREATING A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT TO COMPLY WITH ALL THE TERMS. 

  • Entity Representation and Acceptance of Terms

Using our Services on behalf of an entity binds that entity to these Terms. If you use the Services for an entity (e.g., your employer), you agree to these Terms on their behalf, affirming your authority. In this context, "you" and "your" refer to both the entity and yourself.

  • Our Services

1234TICKET Inc. provides a platform for events management and growth, facilitating connections between Producers and Consumers. Our Services allow Producers to:

  • create events 
  • post events
  • manage events
  • sell tickets
  • request donations, and
  • engage Consumers with our marketing tools.

We neither initiate, own, nor organize any events listed on the platform, and we do not manage the sale of tickets, registrations, or merchandise. Our Services allow Producers to efficiently handle ticketing, registrations, and event promotion.

For events with paid tickets, Producers are exclusively required to utilize our designated payment processing method. In this arrangement, when our Payment Processing service is engaged, we function as the Producer's limited agent, facilitating payment processing through third-party service providers.

Producers are exclusively responsible for ensuring that their events and related pages adhere to applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Additionally, they are accountable for the precise and satisfactory delivery of goods and services as outlined on event pages.

  • Privacy Policy.

We adhere to our Privacy Policy in the management and safeguarding of your personal information. Our dedication extends to ensuring the protection of the personal data you furnish or that we gather through 1234TICKET Properties, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

  • Cookies.

To manage your preferences, 1234TICKET Inc employs cookies, pixels, and similar technologies, providing you with choices. Cookies, scripts, and other technologies are utilized by both us and our vendors to gather real-time information on your interaction with our Services. This encompasses details such as your IP address, browsing behavior, page visits, clicks, cursor movements, and searches on our sites. This information is collected directly by our vendors or disclosed to them, enabling the assessment of your use of the Services. Our Cookie Statement elaborates on how we use cookies, pixels, and similar technologies when you visit 1234TICKET Properties or use our Services. You can adjust how 1234TICKET uses your cookies by visiting the "Cookie Preferences" link 

  •  Consumer Information.

As a Producer, you agree to consistently observe all relevant local, state, provincial, national, and other applicable laws, rules, and regulations in relation to the information collected from, or received regarding, Consumers or other individuals. Additionally, strict compliance with any relevant policies posted on our Services concerning the Consumers’ information you collect or receive is required.

  • Term

These Terms come into effect upon your access to the Services through any means and continue to be operative until termination. If either you or 1234TICKET Inc. decides to conclude the association, as detailed below, these Terms will typically cease to apply. However, in accordance with Clause X, certain provisions will persist, remaining applicable to both parties even after the termination of the main body of these Terms. This enduring applicability ensures the ongoing validity and enforcement of specific obligations and commitments, fostering clarity and consistency in the post-termination relationship between you and 1234TICKET Inc.

  • Termination
  1. We retain the authority to revoke your access to our Services under various circumstances. Your usage rights may be suspended or terminated at any time if you violate these Terms or any other agreement with us, fail to make timely payments, misuse or abuse the Services, or engage in activities not intended or permitted by us. Additionally, if your conduct, whether on or off the 1234TICKET Properties, poses a threat to community safety, compromises the integrity of the 1234TICKET Properties, or interferes with the overall experience, we may suspend or terminate your access. Furthermore, if allowing you access to the Services would violate applicable laws, rules, regulations, or court orders, or expose us to legal liability, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access.
  2. We may, at our discretion, cease offering the Services or modify or replace any aspect of the Services at any time. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the termination of your access to the Services if we believe that failure to do so would materially prejudice you. It is agreed that we will not be held liable to you or any third party for terminating your right to use or access the Services.
  3. Unless otherwise specified in a separate written agreement, you can end your access to the Services by deleting your account. For Consumers without a registered 1234TICKET account, the only way to stop these Terms from applying is to cease accessing the Services.
  4. As long as you continue accessing the Services, even without an account, these Terms remain in effect. If a separate agreement governing your use of the Services concludes, these Terms (as unaffected by that agreement) will apply after its termination or expiration.
  • Survival Provisions

Provisions in these Terms designed to survive termination, including limitations on liability, releases, indemnification obligations, disclaimers of warranties, agreements to arbitrate, choices of law and forum, and intellectual property protections, will continue to be applicable to you. 

  • Compliance with Export Controls and Sanctions Laws:

As a global company based in the United States with international operations, we strictly comply with export controls and economic sanctions laws. It is essential for users, regardless of their location or event venue, to be aware of these restrictions. By using the Services, you confirm:

  • You are not in, or a national/resident, of any country to which the U.S., U.K., EU, Australia, or Canada has embargoed goods and/or services similar to the Services contained herein, including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or the Crimea region of Ukraine.
  • You are neither an individual nor an entity, nor are you owned, controlled, or affiliated with any person or entity that:
  1. That is involved in the design, development, or production of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, missiles, or unmanned aerial vehicles.
  2. That appears on designated lists such as the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control's Specially Designated Nationals List, Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, or Palestinian Legislative Council List; the U.S. Department of State's Terrorist Exclusion List; the Bureau of Industry and Security's Denied Persons, Entity, or Unverified List; the U.K. HM Treasury's Consolidated List; or the A.U. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Consolidated List.
  3. That is subject to sanctions in any other country.
  • Release of 1234TICKET Inc. and Affiliates

You hereby agree to release 1234TICKET Inc., our Affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, co-branders, licensors, payment processing partners, vendors, other partners, independent contractors, and employees (collectively referred to as the "1234TICKET Released Parties") from any and all forms of damages (whether direct, incidental, or otherwise), losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses of every kind and nature, known and unknown. 

This release encompasses disputes between you and a third party, including other Users, arising from factors such as the Services or any event listed thereon, including 1234TICKET Events, your Licensure (as defined below), any failure to obtain or maintain any Licensure, or any error in obtaining or maintaining any Licensure, any Feedback (as defined below) that you give or receive, and Your Content or Your Trademarks.

You hereby waive any law or statute providing that: "A general release does not extend to claims which the releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the released party."

  • Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the 1234TICKET Released Parties from any and all damage (whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or otherwise), loss, liability, cost, and expense (including reasonable attorneys' and accounting fees) resulting from any kind of third-party Claim. We will notify you of any such Claim, and any failure or delay in doing so will not restrict your indemnification obligations unless you are materially prejudiced by such failure. In certain situations, we may opt to manage the Claim ourselves, and you agree to cooperate with us in any manner we request.

This includes, but is not limited to: any Feedback exchanged, your violation of applicable laws or third-party rights, unauthorized use of the Services, issues related to your Licensure including failure to obtain or maintain it, or errors in the process. It also covers matters like our tax collection and remission, breaches of these Terms (including any incorporated agreements or policies), and, for Producers, aspects related to Your 1234TICKET Events, Your Content, and Your Trademarks, with the exception of claims arising from 1234TICKET's willful misconduct or gross negligence.

  • Disclaimers
  1. The disclaimers outlined in these Terms are applicable to the fullest extent allowed by law. In the event that any warranties are mandated by applicable law, their scope will be restricted to the briefest duration allowed.
  2. We bear no responsibility for the actions or negligence of third parties, be they entities aiding us in delivering the Services, those chosen by a Producer to assist with an event, or those you opt to engage with while using the Services.
  3. The Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, to the extent permitted by applicable laws. 1234TICKET Inc. explicitly disclaims all types of warranties, whether express or implied, such as merchantability, title, non-infringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. This includes, for instance, the absence of a warranty that:
  1. The outcomes derived from using the Services will be accurate or dependable 
  2. The Services (or any part of them) will meet your expectations or requirements.
  3. The Services will be free from interruptions, timely, secure, or devoid of errors.
  1. We cannot ensure or control the quality, safety, accuracy, success, or legality of any event or Site Content linked with an event, accuracy of information provided by Users (including Feedback and Consumers’ personal information shared with Producers in connection with events), or the ability of any User to finalize a transaction.
  2. By engaging in certain events, you acknowledge that there may be inherent risks associated with them, and you voluntarily accept those risks. For instance, some events might pose the risk of illness, physical injury, disability, or even death, and you knowingly and willingly take on these risks by deciding to participate in such events.
  3. Your attendance at an event hosted by us constitutes a waiver of any and all claims and causes of action against the 1234TICKET Released Parties, the event producers and presenters, as well as their insurers. This includes, but is not limited to, claims for liability related to personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death arising from your participation or attendance to the event.
  • Limitation of Liability

To the extent allowed by applicable laws, the 1234TICKET Released Parties shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages. This includes damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, opportunity costs, intangible losses, or the cost of substitute services, even if the possibility of such damages has been advised.

Further, excluding our obligation to pay out Event Proceeds in specific circumstances to certain Producers, the maximum aggregate liability of the 1234TICKET Released Parties is limited as follows:

  1. Producers of events on our Site with paid tickets:
  • The 1234TICKET Fees (net of any 1234TICKET Payment Processing Fees) paid by the Producer to us in the three-month period immediately preceding the circumstances giving rise to their claim.
  1. For other Users:
  • The total price of all tickets or registrations purchased or made through the Services by the User in the three-month period immediately preceding the circumstances giving rise to their claim.
  • If no tickets or registrations were purchased, one hundred U.S. Dollars (USD $100).

In some jurisdictions, certain exclusions and liability limitations may not apply. Our liability is restricted to the maximum extent permitted by law in your jurisdiction.


Please carefully review this section as it impacts your rights. Any dispute or claim under these terms or related to the services will be resolved through binding arbitration or in small claims court (if eligible), and solely on an individual basis. You agree that class, consolidated (except in limited circumstances described below), or representative arbitrations and civil actions are not allowed, and both parties waive any rights to bring such actions.

The parties acknowledge that, without this mandatory provision, they would have the right to sue in court with a jury trial. They also recognize that, in some cases, arbitration costs might exceed litigation costs, and the right to discovery may be more limited in arbitration than in court.

You agree to reach out to us first in case of any issues with our Services. By agreeing to this, you commit to contacting us first before initiating any legal proceeding. Our customer support team will make efforts to address your questions or resolve any concerns you may have.

  • Arbitration & No Class Action

In the event that 1234TICKET Customer Support team can't address your concerns, both parties agree to resolve disputes through binding arbitration or, where applicable, in small claims court. This applies to all disputes related to these Terms, your use of the Services, or our relationship. The appointed arbitrator will have the authority to grant relief equivalent to what is available in court. All arbitration and small claims proceedings will occur on an individual basis, and neither party can seek resolution through a class, consolidated, or representative proceeding, except as outlined in the section below. The arbitration provision, governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, remains in effect even after the termination of these Terms or any other agreement between you and us.

This arbitration agreement covers all legal disputes between you and us, encompassing claims related to the relationship between you and us, whether based on contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation, or any other legal theory. It includes claims arising before this or any prior agreement (including those related to advertising) and those that may arise after the termination of these Terms and/or your use of the Services. 

We mutually agree to utilize the strike and rank method to select an arbitrator. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) will propose a minimum of ten potential arbitrator candidates. Independently, each party will respond to the AAA in writing, excluding the other party. The response will include (i) the "strike" of up to three candidates, removing them from consideration, and (ii) a ranking of the remaining candidates in order of preference. The AAA will calculate the average rankings for each arbitrator and appoint the candidate with the highest ranking as the arbitrator.

You and 1234TICKET Inc. agree to bring claims against each other only in individual capacities, not as plaintiffs or class members in any class, consolidated, or representative proceeding. The arbitrator is restricted from consolidating multiple claims or presiding over such proceedings. The arbitrator may issue relief equivalent to court remedies, including public injunctive relief, but only as authorized by law and warranted by the party's claims, except as provided herein.

Both parties acknowledge that different arbitrations may involve similar factual or legal issues. To the maximum extent permitted and subject to Clause XVIII below, if one party initiates arbitration against the other and we, at our discretion, determine that the arbitration raises questions overlapping with a pending arbitration between us and a third party ("Similar Arbitration"), the arbitration involving you may be assigned to the same arbitrator handling the Similar Arbitration or temporarily paused until the Similar Arbitration concludes, at our request. Rulings in any Similar Arbitration will not be binding in the arbitration involving you.

Despite the agreement to arbitrate, either party may opt for:

  • Enforcement actions, validity determinations, or claims related to theft, piracy, or unauthorized use of intellectual property in state or federal court in the U.S. Patent or Trademark Office to protect Intellectual Property Rights
  • Individual actions in small claims court (if the claim qualifies).

Furthermore, any dispute or complaint related to our participation in the US-EU or US-Swiss Privacy Shield Frameworks is initially subject to the Dispute Resolution section of our Privacy Policy before falling under this Section.

Before starting arbitration, the party initiating it must send a written Dispute Notice to the other party. The Dispute Notice to 1234TICKET Inc. must be sent by certified mail to 801 Brickell Bay Dr, Box 12, Miami, Florida, 33131, USA. Dispute Notices to you will be sent by certified mail to the current address on record or, if unavailable, to your 1234TICKET account email address. The Dispute Notice must (i) describe the claim or dispute and (ii) specify the relief sought. If an agreement is not reached within sixty (60) calendar days after sending the Dispute Notice, either party may commence arbitration.

Arbitration will follow the AAA Rules, governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules or, for disputes related to personal use of the Services, the Consumer Arbitration Rules. Administered by the AAA, this process, modified by Clause XVII, will involve a single arbitrator. All matters in dispute, including those concerning the scope, enforceability, and arbitrability of Clause XVII, fall under the arbitrator's jurisdiction. Access the AAA Rules by calling 1-800-778-7879.

For Consumers opting for arbitration, the hearings can occur in the county of residence or by phone. If the Consumer resides outside the United States, the hearing may take place in Miami, USA, or by phone or videoconference, following AAA Rules. In Batch arbitration, the hearing location is at the option of AAA. Commercial use of the Services will lead to arbitration hearings in the United States, at a mutually convenient location, unless otherwise agreed. If parties can't agree on a location, AAA will decide. Claims of $10,000 or less will be handled based on submitted documents or through a telephonic hearing. Claims exceeding $10,000 follow AAA Rules for hearing rights. The arbitrator will provide a reasoned written decision, and all decisions are final, with judgment entered in any court with jurisdiction.

  • Similar Claims

For streamlined resolution, if 25 or more claimants submit Dispute Notices or file arbitrations with similar claims within a 90-day period, these disputes must be arbitrated in Batches of up to 50 claimants each. Upon notice, AAA will group arbitrations into a single Batch (for 25-50 claimants) or Batches of 50 claimants each, with a final smaller Batch for any remaining claimants (if more than 50). AAA will oversee the resolution of each Batch as a consolidated arbitration with a single arbitrator, one set of Arbitration Fees, and one hearing (if any) per Batch. The location will be in Miami, Florida, or by phone or videoconference at the arbitrator's choice. Both parties agree to cooperate in good faith to implement this process and minimize arbitration time and costs. Any challenges to AAA's administrative determinations will be heard by a single process arbitrator. If a Section is unenforceable for a specific claimant or Batch, it will be severed for them, and those parties must arbitrate individually.

  • Payment of Costs and Expenses:

Payment of AAA-imposed filing, administration, and arbitrator costs will follow the AAA Rules. If initiating arbitration against 1234TICKET Inc. and seeking relief valued at $10,000 or less, 1234TICKET Inc. will cover all costs (subject to reimbursement as outlined below). If your claim as a Consumer exceeds $10,000, and you show to the arbitrator that these costs would be more than a court proceeding, 1234TICKET Inc. will cover them. If the arbitrator deems your claims frivolous, you agree to reimburse 1234TICKET for costs paid.

  • Payment of Legal Fees:

Each party will bear its attorneys' fees and expenses in arbitration. The arbitrator may rule on reimbursement of attorneys' fees and expenses upon either party's request within fourteen (14) days of the arbitrator's merits ruling, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.

If any provisions are deemed invalid or unenforceable for a specific claim or issue, then only that claim or issue will render such section null and void. In such cases, the Section "Applicable Law and Jurisdiction" will govern that particular claim or issue instead of this Section. For clarity, if this Section is valid and enforceable for any claims or issues: (a) it applies fully to all such claims and issues, and (b) arbitration for those claims and issues must conclude before any litigation on non-arbitrable claims, even if arbitrable and non-arbitrable claims present overlapping factual and/or legal questions.

You can choose not to be bound by the arbitration or class action waiver provisions outlined in this Section by sending a written notice of your decision to opt-out to info@1234ticket.com. Please use "ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER OPT-OUT" as the subject line and send the notice from the email address associated with your User account. Ensure that you submit this notice within thirty (30) days of your initial use of the Services or your agreement to these Terms (whichever is later). Failing to do so will bind you to arbitrate disputes as per these provisions. Keep in mind that opting out means 1234TICKET will not be bound by these arbitration provisions either.

  • License to Services

We provide you with a limited, non-transferable, revocable right to use our Services. This allows you, exclusively:

  • To explore, search, view, register for, or purchase tickets or registrations for events listed on the Services.
  • To create event registrations, Producer profiles, and webpages for promoting, marketing, managing, tracking, and collecting sales proceeds for an event, with sublicensing allowed for sub-Users registered via the Services.

Your use of the Services must adhere to these Terms and all relevant local, state, provincial, national, and other laws, rules, and regulations. If you use search functionality or address autocomplete tools, you are subject to the third-party Additional Terms of Service, including their Privacy Policy.

In addition to any other restrictions, limitations, and prohibitions set forth in these Terms or elsewhere, you agree not to directly or indirectly copy, modify, reproduce, translate, localize, port, or create derivatives of any part of the Services. Furthermore, you shall not attempt to discover the source code or the structure, sequence, and organization of all or any part of the Services through reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, or similar methods. The use of the Services for unauthorized commercial purposes, including renting, leasing, reselling, or distribution, is expressly prohibited. Removing or altering any proprietary notices on the Services is also not allowed. Additionally, engaging in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the normal functioning of the Services is strictly prohibited.

You acknowledge that Site Content is subject to protection under copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property and proprietary rights. The ownership of Site Content may rest with us entirely, or certain portions may be accessible through arrangements with third parties. The Site Content incorporated in or provided through the Services is our exclusive property, safeguarded by copyright laws. Your usage of the Site Content is limited to purposes allowed by these Terms and applicable laws. Any rights not explicitly granted in these Terms are withheld.

The trademarks, service marks, and logos associated with 1234TICKET ("1234TICKET Trademarks") utilized in connection with the Services are both registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks owned by 1234TICKET. Company, product, and service names linked to the Services may constitute trademarks or service marks belonging to third parties ("Third Party Trademarks," collectively with 1234TICKET Trademarks referred to as "Trademarks"). Your license to use the Services does not grant you, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed with the Services without our explicit prior written consent for each such use.

Usage of the Trademarks must not involve disparagement of us, any third party, or our or their products or services, or in any way that could harm the goodwill associated with the Trademarks. Incorporating any Trademarks as part of a link to or from any website requires our approval through explicit prior written consent for each such link. The benefits of any goodwill resulting from the use of 1234TICKET Trademarks will accrue to 1234TICKET. The Services are subject to certain issued patents and patents pending. Site Content may be safeguarded by copyrights owned by us and/or third parties. It's important to note that copying portions of the content may infringe on our rights and the rights of third parties.

We may grant you the privilege to use a sub-domain within the Site (e.g., [sub-domain prefix].1234ticket.com) for one or more of Your 1234TICKET Events. These sub-domains exclusively belong to us, and we retain the authority to determine their appearance, design, functionality, and all other aspects. If a sub-domain is provided, your right to use it remains valid only as long as you are actively selling tickets for Your 1234TICKET Events on the Services and comply with the Terms. In the event of termination of your sub-domain usage for any reason, we will supply you with a new sub-domain.

  • Event Licensing Responsibilities for Producers

As a Producer, in addition to your other representations and warranties, you affirm and warrant to us that:

  • You will secure all necessary licenses, permits, and authorizations ("Licensure") for Your 1234TICKET Events before initiating ticket sales. This includes approvals from state, county, municipal, or other local authorities, as well as permissions such as traffic engineering authorizations, fire department inspection reports, fire marshal permits, authorization for minors, sanitary approvals, and property operation permits.
  • You will adhere, along with ensuring that the venues for Your 1234TICKET Events comply, with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances.
  • Throughout the use of the Services, you will maintain the relevant Licensure required to promote, produce, sponsor, host, and sell tickets for all of Your 1234TICKET Events.
  • You will furnish evidence of Licensure and related information before offering tickets or registrations for Your 1234TICKET Events and promptly upon our reasonable request from time to time.
  • DMCA Notice for Copyright Infringement Claims

If you are a copyright owner or an agent of a copyright owner and believe that any content on the Sites infringes your copyrights, you can submit a notice in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). Follow the provided directions in 1234TICKET’s Trademark and Copyright Policy for guidance on submitting your notice.

  • Restrictions on Site Content Usage

You are not authorized to use, and you agree not to use, any Site Content for your own commercial purposes. Additionally, you are prohibited from, and agree not to, engage in scraping, crawling, or employing any automated means to extract data from the Sites.

  • Fees 

Account creation is free, but fees apply for listing events and purchasing/selling tickets. Fees vary, determined by agreements with Producers. Producers may decide whether to pass these fees to Consumers, indicating them as "Fees" on the event page or incorporating them into the ticket or registration price, paid by the Producer from gross proceeds. Consumer fees may encompass facility fees, royalties, taxes, processing fees, and fulfillment fees. It's important to note that Consumer fees may differ from those charged to Producers or the standard fees outlined on the Services. Some fees aim to cover our costs, potentially including profit or loss elements. We cannot disclose bank or credit card fees; check with them before purchasing for details.

  • Ticket Transfer Process

To transfer tickets purchased on the Site, contact the event's Producer directly. If you can't reach the Producer or they are unable to facilitate the transfer, reach out to us, and we may assist you in the process.

  • Refunds for Consumers and Producers
  • For refund requests, Consumers must directly contact the Producer of their event. Refund assistance is available here.
  • Consumers receiving a ticket refund must not use the ticket or any copies to attend the event. Doing so constitutes fraud.
  • Producers must always follow the proper procedure to verify ticket validity, including checking in Consumers with the 1234TICKET app for Producers.
  • We are not liable for any costs resulting from Producers' non-compliance with ticket validation procedures. We are not liable for costs or damages arising from ticket-related fraud or purchasing tickets through non-official channels.
  • Account Creation and Usage Rules

When creating an account or using our Services, you must provide accurate information and adhere to the following rules:

  1. You must be at least 18 years old or the legal age of majority in your residence to use our Services. If you are 13 to under the legal age of majority, use the Services under parental supervision. If you are under 13, do not use our Services or provide personal information.
  2. Provide accurate, current, and complete information (Registration Data) and update it when necessary.
  3. In case of a dispute over account ownership, we will be the final arbiter, and our decision may include account suspension or termination.
  4. If using the Services on behalf of an entity, ensure legal authority to bind the entity and grant permissions outlined in these Terms.
  5. If granted permission, you are responsible for the actions of third parties (e.g., sub-users) under your account. Maintain confidentiality and comply with account rules for all users.
  6. Immediately inform us of any unauthorized account use or security breaches. You are responsible for all activities under your account.
  7. Do not use the Services to collect sensitive personal information unless permitted by these Terms or with our written consent.
  •  Use of Your Content and Trademarks

You retain sole responsibility for Your Content and Your Trademarks. By using our Services, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable right and license to (in whole or in part):

  1. Your Content:
  1. Access, use, reproduce, and display Your Content for operating the Services.
  2. Utilize Your Content for internal purposes and promotional activities, including third-party websites and social media.
  3. Create derivative works based on Your Content for promotional purposes with your permission.
  1. Our Trademarks:
  1. Use our Trademarks in connection with Your Content.
  2. Identify you as a current or past customer in marketing, advertising, and promotional materials on the Services.

This license ensures the functionality and promotion of the Services while respecting your ownership of content and trademarks.

  • Ownership and Usage of Your Content and Trademarks

We do not assert ownership over Your Content or Your Trademarks, but the licenses granted are crucial for providing Services and supporting Your 1234TICKET Events. Examples include displaying logos, resizing images, or using content in marketing tools to enhance the promotion of Your 1234TICKET Events.

You waive any moral rights associated with the use of Your Content under these licenses. Besides these licenses, no ownership rights are claimed or transferred, preserving your rights to use and exploit Your Content and Your Trademarks beyond the Services.

  • Waiver of Moral Rights and Ownership

You waive all moral rights related to the use of Your Content under the licenses in Sections XXVIII to XXXII. Outside of these licenses, no ownership rights are claimed or transferred. These Terms do not limit your rights to use and exploit Your Content and Your Trademarks beyond the Services.

  • Representations 

You confirm that you have the capability to provide us with the mentioned rights. Furthermore, you affirm and guarantee that you possess all the rights, authority, and power required to grant the outlined license. Additionally, you assert that Your Content and Your Trademarks:

  1. Do not infringe upon, violate, or conflict with the rights of any third party.
  2. Comply with all relevant laws and regulations at the local, state, provincial, national, and other levels.
  3. Adhere to the terms stipulated in these Terms of Service
  • Content Compliance and Removal Guidelines

Your Content must be accurate and truthful. We retain the right to remove Your Content from the Services if we believe it violates these Terms, our Community Guidelines, or for any other valid reason. Your Content and Your Trademarks may be displayed alongside Site Content or third-party content, including content that is similar to or competes with yours. We do not guarantee exclusivity as a Producer in any category. The Services are provided on a nonexclusive basis. 

We may preserve Your Content, Your Trademarks, Registration Data, and other associated data, and disclose this information if required by law or in good faith belief for legal processes, responding to claims, enforcing these Terms, and protecting the rights, property, and safety of us, our Users, and the public, including fraud prevention.

You acknowledge that the technical processing and transmission of the Services, including Your Content and Your Trademarks, may involve transmissions over various networks and adjustments to meet the technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.

  • Notices and Contact Information

Notices may be delivered to you via email or regular mail to your business address as recorded in 1234TICKET’s records. Additionally, we may notify you of changes to these Terms or other relevant matters by displaying notices or links on the Services.

If you need to contact us or send any notice, please use the following address: 

1234TICKET Inc.

801 Brickell Bay Dr, Box 12, 

Miami, Florida, 33131

United States of America

or via email to:


  • Modification of Terms

We retain the right to periodically modify these Terms, including the Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as "Modifications"); and if we deem any Modifications to be significant, we will notify you by posting the changes on the Services; updating the "Updated" date at the top of this page; or by sending you an email or message regarding the Modifications.

Material Modifications will be effective thirty (30) days following the "Updated" date, unless an alternative date is communicated in our notice to you. All other Modifications will take effect immediately.

It is your responsibility to review any Modifications. Continued use of the Services after any Modification will indicate your acceptance of that Modification and the updated Terms. In specific cases, we may propose a Modification to these Terms applicable only to you. Such Modifications must be in writing and mutually signed by both parties (you and 1234TICKET).

As we continuously enhance our products and services to better serve our Users, we cannot ensure the constant availability of specific product features or functionality. We reserve the right to modify, replace, or terminate any part of the Services or the entire Services at any time and for any reason.

  • Assignment and Entire Agreement 

We reserve the right to freely assign these Terms and transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms, whether to an Affiliate or another entity, without requiring your consent. This assignment may occur in connection with a corporate transaction or for other reasons.

These Terms constitute our entire agreement with you, unless we enter into a separate written agreement. They govern your use of the Services, overriding any previous or simultaneous agreements, proposals, discussions, or communications between you and 1234TICKET regarding the subject matter of these Terms. However, this does not apply to any written agreement for Services between you and us related to a specific event or events, unless otherwise stated in these Terms.

  • Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any disputes that cannot be resolved through our arbitration agreement will be resolved in the courts of Miami, located in the State of Florida.

These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to these Terms shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located within Miami-Dade County, Florida, and both parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. You waive any objection to venue in such courts and any claim that such forum is an inconvenient forum. If you are accessing or using the Services from outside the United States, you are responsible for compliance with local laws, and any disputes arising hereunder shall be resolved in the applicable courts within Miami-Dade County, Florida, in accordance with these terms and applicable Florida law.

We appreciate your feedback on our Services and third-party events. Any feedback you provide is non-confidential, and by submitting it, you grant us a license to use and publish it without compensation. Testimonials and reviews are considered feedback, and we have discretion on sharing or publishing them.

  • Third-Party Websites and Materials Disclaimer

We are not liable for third-party websites or materials you access through the Services. We do not endorse or control such websites and resources, and any damages or losses related to them are your responsibility. This includes third-party services, such as ticket insurance, where your relationship is with the provider, not us.

  • Non-Waiver and Enforcement

If we fail to enforce any part of these Terms, it does not waive our right to enforce it later. The exercise of one remedy does not preclude us from using other remedies available. No oral waiver, amendment, or modification is effective. If a provision is unenforceable, it will be limited, and other provisions remain in full force.

  • Effect on Other Remedies

The use of one remedy does not exclude other remedies available under these Terms.

  • No Oral Waiver or Modification

No oral waivers, amendments, or modifications to these Terms are effective.

  • Severability

If any provision is found unenforceable, it will be limited, while other provisions remain effective.

  • Titles and Subtitles

Titles, subtitles, and italicized text are for convenience and do not have legal effect.

  • Discretionary Actions

When we say we "may" or have the right, it means we have the option but are not obligated to act.

  • Sole Discretion

All determinations, decisions, or beliefs by 1234TICKET shall be made at its sole discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, any actions, policies, or interpretations arising under these Terms. The exercise of such discretion by 1234TICKET is absolute and not subject to challenge, except as explicitly provided for in these Terms.

  • Mandatory Actions

When these Terms expressly state that you "will" take a specific action, you are thereby agreeing to and obligated to fulfill that action. The use of the term "will" indicates a mandatory requirement, and your compliance with such actions is imperative to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined herein.

  • Affiliate Obligations

Your responsibilities, duties, warranties, representations, releases, and waivers as outlined in these Terms also encompass and apply to any Affiliates associated with you. The obligations set forth herein extend collectively to both you and your Affiliates.

  • No Agency Relationship

These Terms explicitly disclaim the creation of any independent contractor, agency, partnership, joint venture, or any similar relationships between the parties. The agreement outlined herein is limited to the terms expressly stated and does not extend to creating any form of joint enterprise or agency, whether explicit or implied. The parties acknowledge their independent roles and responsibilities as outlined in these Terms, without forming any additional legal relationships beyond the scope defined herein.

  • Translation 

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version of these Terms and any translated versions, the English version shall prevail and control. The parties acknowledge that the English version is the authoritative and controlling document, and any translations are provided solely for convenience. In case of discrepancies, the English version accurately represents the intentions and obligations of the parties, and any conflicting terms in translated versions are hereby superseded by the English language version.

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